Monday, November 01, 2010

The Time I Almost Didn't Not Get Sick

Thank goodness for nablopomo or I may never have come back here. So, national blog posting month. I'm going to give this the old college try. First big news, B's in the kitchen packing her school lunch for the first time on her own. All I know for sure is that it contains a mega ziploc bag full of off-brand Frosted Flakes. You may wonder why I'm allowing this and not intervening to make sure there's a protein, a vegetable and fruit, right? Yeah, so am I, actually. It's all part of establishing the illusion of responsibility. Well, that and the fact that I'm on the couch in serious denial about an illness that may or may not have infiltrated my immune system of steel.

I got a little over ambitious in the last three weeks and decided that not only would I volunteer for every possible event, but that I would do each with the most impressive joie de vivre! Well, after 21 days the bottom fell out of my joie and while at the Villains Victory Party at Disneyland I noticed an irrefutable sore throat begin to take root. A giant sized hot tea and bottle of water later it was no better and I came home and admitted defeat to D. I believe the exact words I used were "I think this is going to take me down." But the next morning I felt much better and so proceeded with my Friday as usual, which is to say I volunteered at school, cleaned the entire house, and ran errands.

That night the throat devil visited me and I spent two agonizing hours tossing and turning in bed before remembering that ibuprofen cures all pain. I slept the rest of the night in relative peace, waking in the morning to the care and patience of my dear husband who marooned me (much to my joy) on the couch "island" all day. After many MANY hours of napping and tv watching I was feeling pretty plucky. The next morning I hopped out of bed and cleaned myself up for church. I was feeling totally normal, almost as if that little sickness hiccup didn't happen at all...almost like I practically imagined it and would never have to tell a soul that I spent the day on the couch. I grocery shopped, prepared the house for tricks and treats, made dinner and dressed B in her costume, set out the fire pit, lit the fire and set myself to enjoy the night. Then the coughing started. I spent at least 1/3 of the night hacking up my esophagus and keeping poor D awake and when I woke up this morning I felt...well, sick. But I knew I couldn't possibly really be sick so I showered, dressed and got to work, skipping the gym just for safety's sake. After a nap and lots of couch time today I can attest to one thing: I am definitely not not sick. Is it hot in here?

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