yaaaarrrg! You'll be noticing by now that it's Thank You Note Thursday and I have no thank you note to speak of. I have no legitimate excuse but you'll forgive me anyway because that's what we mothers do. We forgive each other's shortcomings because we've all been there before, and we'll be there again no doubt. This week has been an almost complete failure on the home front. I haven't cooked a dinner since Monday night, I haven't had any cookie activity, I've barely spent any time with B (unless you count Disneyland on Tuesday which culminated in a meltdown that almost ruined the whole night), and yesterday I spent the entire ENTIRE day on the couch writhing with mysterious stomach cramps that disappeared as swiftly as they came. Did I mention I spent the entire day on the couch? Frustrating.
I tried to make up for the first half of the week by cramming it all in today. Mailing cookies and dq.com orders, laundry, making valentine cupcakes for Brownies and school, picking up the house, showering; all on top of working my 5 hours for Facedown. So the thank you note didn't get written. And this blog post is less to tell you why I didn't write the thank you note, and more to just share with all you wonderful, busy, multi-tasking ladies out there because I know you've all got my back. Thank you.
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