Thursday, December 11, 2008


So, I finally got to see pictures of Amy's baby Jack. And ohmygosh is he ever a cutie. He's got Amy's hair and personality (judging from the picture of him holding his own bottle and the one of him throwing a fit from being in the sun). I can't believe Amy's a mom...Amy, I can't believe you're a mommy. I'm so proud of you!

Also in the Friends Doing Amazing Things category is NY Bill who is soon to be Prague Bill...or Czech Bill, rather, since it sounds more snappy. Tis true, our friend Bill is moving from NY to Prague this January to study at a specialized school to learn to teach English as a 2nd language. From there no one knows where he'll go, but we're all solidly behind him in this decision. Hope you like goulash, Bill.

More on the home front, we went to Disneyland for the last time yesterday. It was wonderful. We must have impeccable timing because just as we entered the park the giant Christmas tree on Main Street came to life with a million lights as Snow White's castle glowed with snow and ice. We began to make our way through the crowd just as it began to snow on Main Street. It was perfect. Plus I got to have $3 churro which Never happens. Double win.

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