Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Today's good news

I found out that someone signed up to train with my trainer after watching him train me. The good news is that now I don't feel guilty at all about training for free. Also found out that since Travis has been training me, his brand of motivation (read: yelling) has been catching on at the gym amongst the other trainers. Forget that kinder, gentler crap. Harsh is the way to go when you're trying to build strength.
Today is the day I was supposed to hit the goal for weight and body fat percentage. I definitely didn't hit the weight goal, which I'm ok with, and we didn't measure bf today so I don't know if I hit that or not. I'm in a place where I really don't care about numbers anymore, which is amazing and very freeing. I feel good about myself, physically and emotionally, (which I think has something to do with getting my spiritual life in order) and that's good enough for me.

Facedown Fest is this weekend. It will be less stressful than last year which is awesome, still I'm excited to get through it and put it behind me.


jennifer said...

Good for you Shan. Sometimes it takes someone yelling at you in spirit or flesh to get things in order. Maybe your trainer knows someone down here who could yell at me in a couple months when I drop this cannon ball :)

DawnaHartman said...

I need someone to yell at me for free whilest at the gym! I did however yell at myself yesterday while on the treadmill...